
Weekly Update #13

Hello everyone! Like always, we would like to thank our incredible donors and partners for their consistent support. It’s been a long run, starting from 1 hospital with minimal funding, and now after these hard 3 months, united3D has brought more hope to hospitals, senior homes, and businesses. Reminding them that we are here to […]

Weekly Update #12

Hello everyone! We would like to thank our wonderful donors and partners for their consistent support. It’s hard to believe that almost 3 months ago, united3D was created with the hope to provide PPE to a local hospital. Since then, we have reached over 40 hospitals and 20 care centers across 9 states, delivered over […]

Weekly Update #11

Hello everyone! We would like to thank our wonderful donors for providing us with funding to help our communities. We have raised over $2400 on our GoFundMe platform and $16,000 from our partner, GetUSPPE, for a total of $18,400! This progress will allow us to reach more hospitals and provide a more noticeable impact than […]

GetUsPPE Announcement

Hello everyone! We are extremely excited to announce that we have received $16,000 in funding from our friends at! GetUsPPE is an organization dedicated to providing PPE to healthcare workers. They have received over 12,400 requests and delivered over 2,000,000 units of PPE. Visit to learn more about our newest partner!  What this […]

Weekly Update #10

Hello everyone! We would like to thank our wonderful donors for providing us with funding to help our communities. Even if you aren’t producing PPE, you are helping us reach our goal by donating or simply spreading the word. We have had an incredible week, not only in donations, but in outreach! We have raised […]

Weekly Update #9

Hello everyone! We have reached more than 1000 units of PPE delivered! We want to thank you all for this huge milestone that we have hit. We want to continue to help even more people, so even if you aren’t producing PPE, you are helping us reach our goal by donating or simply spreading the […]

Weekly Update #8

Hello everyone! We would like to thank our wonderful donors for providing us with funding to help our communities. Even if you aren’t producing PPE, you are helping us reach our goal by donating or simply spreading the word. We have had an incredible week, not only in donations, but in outreach! We have raised […]

Weekly Update #7

Hello everyone! We would like to thank our wonderful donors for providing us with funding to help our communities. Even if you aren’t producing PPE, you are helping us reach our goal by donating or simply spreading the word. We have had an incredible week, not only in donations, but in outreach! We have raised […]

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